Emotion Works Recovery Programme
competition GALLERY -
Well done to everyone who took part in our first ever #CogLearning Competition.
We’ve been so impressed by all of the work that has been submitted and to hear all about the wonderful learning that has been taking place in so many schools using the Emotion Works Recovery Programme across Scotland.
Our competition gallery pages provide an opportunity to celebrate and share all that has been achieved across the #EWcommunity since the return to school after lockdown.
Please enjoy browsing our winner and runner-up entries on this page for single task work, along with a selection of highly commended submissions that we couldn’t leave out of this cog-tastic showcase!

Huge congratulations to our
Wallacestone Primary School, Falkirk
A very special video by Wallacestone junior pupils talking about how they have been impacted by their learning in Emotion Works.
This competition simply asked pupils to “tell us what you’ve learned” about the Emotion Works cogs. And that’s exactly what these P3 & P4 pupils did – very simply, but very effectively.
There has clearly been some fantastic Emotion Works learning and teaching happening at Wallacestone School. Thanks so much to teacher Estelle McKean for pulling the video together and submitting the entry. We hope you and the children like the addition of the animated cogs!
“We are absolutely delighted to have won this competition! We are very proud of all of our pupils and staff across the school. They returned in August to a very different way of working. Staff enthusiastically embraced the Emotion Works Recovery Programme and have been really creative, planning lessons across the curriculum. The programme is fantastic and has had a very positive impact on our pupils. Those who appear in our video speak from the heart and clearly realise the benefits of understanding ‘how emotion works’ and the impact it has had on them. We cannot wait to continue our Emotion Works journey. We love Emotion Works!”
Carleton Primary School, Glenrothes
“Our Primary 2s at Carleton primary school have been looking at emotions through different texts including ‘In my Heart by Jo Witek’. They have really enjoyed using the cognifying glasses to help them identify the emotion words.”
We always love seeing cognifying glasses being used to help spot emotion words in stories at Early level. This is a particularly lovely visual display of learning using a beautiful book.
Click through the slideshow to see the detail and thanks to teachers Denise Henderson and Lindsay Ireland for sharing.
Hopeman Primary School, Moray
Bilston Primary School, Midlothian
“P6/7 at Bilston have created their own cogs and Emotion Works Garden to share what they have learned so far. We’ve had lots of great discussions and pupils are really benefitting from the programme.” Phoebe Haymer, Class Teacher
We always recommend a cog display or reference point in Emotion Works classrooms, and this one is particularly special. At a time when so much time has been spent indoors we love the idea of this Emotion Works classroom garden. It’s creation and related work has obviously impacted positively on pupils too – judging by the feedback on the second slide…
Lochgelly South PS, Fife
Congratulations to P5 pupil Ruaridh for his very well presented and reflective summary of the 5 cogs.
“Pupils each completed a poster to share their learning of what Emotion Works means to them. Many of the children were able to talk about situations they were in before learning about Emotion Works and then describe how emotion works would help them to handle the situation differently in the future. A key piece of learning was that emotion works is not just for school but applies to all areas of our lives.” Emma Rosie, P5 Teacher
Click through to read Ruaridh’s very emotionally literate response to being a competition runner-up.
St Ninians Primary School, Stirling
“We have enjoyed learning about the cogs because it can help us understand our emotions more. It’s been fun filming the Cog News and sharing our Emotion Works journey with the world! Love from P3A and the Cog News team.”
This ‘Cog News’ video for the red cog is the third in a 5-part series shared on P3A’s twitter page by teacher Alan Atkinson (@MrAtkinsonSTN). We particularly love the drama and rap that features in this one. Cog News (unlike the real news) always makes us smile. 😁
Press the play button to watch and smile too!
Hollybrook Academy, Glasgow
“This is our Emotion Works wall for our whole school. We have 120 pupils in the school, so this is all their work for the orange cog. We’re doing Emotion Works during our pastoral care time in the morning. We have been taking our time exploring the Orange Cog and the pupils have been enjoying thinking of different words for various emotions. We are now moving on to the Green cog to link the words to different behaviours.” Nicole Fotheringham, PT
Glenurquhart Primary School, Highland
Well done to Meadow & Ava from P7 who thought up this fantastic bike idea to share their learning about the Emotion Works cogs. What a great example of team work! The explanations plus examples in the text boxes are very good for giving information about each cog.
“We got our inspiration from the example displays on the website. We wanted to show that the cogs work together. The steam train display got us thinking about vehicles. Cogs made us think of gears so then a bike came to mind. We feel really proud to have been chosen as a runner up.”
Click through the slide show for a closer up view.
Bantaskin Primary School, Falkirk
“P1c have been learning about four of the cogs and how they work together using clips/pictures from children’s films. They had to decide the word, trigger and body language and then decide how the character could be cheered up!” Leah Collins, Class Teacher
Peel Primary School, Livingston
“Pupils at Peel Primary were offered a range of ways to show their learning about the 5 cog model. Emma in P7 created this design which reflects different emotions on different faces, and displays the 5 cogs along the side which include some of the emotional vocabulary she has learned on her Emotion Works journey.” Brogan Conway, PT
Coaltown of Balgonie Primary School, Fife
“Primary 4/5/6 have independently created their own videos about the Emotion Works cogs. They worked in groups to showcase their learning and thoughts about Emotion Works.” Holly Paton, Class Teacher
Our final runner-up award goes to this very impressive video compilation of pupil presentations about the 5-part model cogs. We found the information so well thought out and articulated we have asked Primary 4/5/6 for their permission to use their video on our training website for teachers!
If you’d like an introduction to Emotion Works and information on how it can be helpful for children – press the play button and enjoy.
Well done to the following
Highly commended entries
Glenurquhart Primary School, Highland
Thanks for all the entries shared by P6/7 and teacher Kirstine Mullin. We particularly loved the colours and detail of this piece with the added feedback included about what pupils like and what’s helpful about Emotion Works.
Lochardil Primary School, Inverness
Another excellent example of Emotion Works practice from Teacher Chloe MacDonald, using the 5 cogs to talk about Disney Villains! As a work in progress we’d love to feature this writing project in our #EWliteracy programme next year. Keep up the good work P6!
Hopeman Primary School, Moray
Well done to teacher Amy Brough and P4 for getting creative with this 5-cog worksheet to create an effective summary of your reading group work. Welcome to the #EWcommunity Hopeman Primary – it looks and sounds like you’re using Emotion Works very well.
Parkhill Primary School, Fife
“P7 pupils used the cogs along with their novel ‘Wonder’ to create these artworks on what they think, want to shout about or whisper about kindness.” Gail Bailie, Teacher
Bellsquarry Primary, Livingston
This P7 class at Bellsquarry shared lots of work showing their learning about. the different cogs. Our pick to share in the gallery are these folding examples of specific Regulation Strategy ideas linked to different uncomfortable emotions. 💙
North West Community Campus, Dumfries
“The children at North West Community Campus, Dumfries explored the 5 cog model using the stimulus ‘Barry the Fish With Fingers and the Hairy Scary Monster’ by Sue Hendra. They enjoyed considering the different emotions experienced by the characters at different points throughout the story. Following the task they reflected on and shared examples of times that they had been a good friend and been the blue regulation cog for their friend through their choice of behaviours or words during a situation where their friend was feeling upset or left out.” Lynne Maxwell, ASL Teacher, Care Experienced Education Team
Newmains Primary School, Wishaw
Pupils at Newmains School have been using Emotion Works for some time now and teachers and pupils are excellent at applying the cogs to different curriculum topics and themes. This example shared by PT Marnie Hamilton is part of a bigger piece of work creating and reflecting on an anti-bullying video, where Emotion Works was used to discuss thoughts, feelings and emotions before, during and after the process.
Langlee Primary School, Borders
We enjoyed looking through all of the Langlee entries, but especially liked this collection of Emotion Word word clouds. It’s been so good to see the activity suggestions coming to life in classrooms and then teachers and pupils adding an extra level of ingenuity.
Brediland Primary School, Paisely
Whitecross Primary School, Falkirk
“P6/7 were learning about the #yellowcog. Pupils discussed their emotional triggers then created individual artwork listing all the things they’re grateful for. They then came up with the idea of creating one large display which really demonstrates that P6/7 have a lot to be grateful for!”
Falkirk Inclusion and Well-being Service
As a service who have used Emotion Works for a while, this is a lovely example of reinforcing cog learning through story. Well done p2 and Lauren Wright. Somehow the 3Rs of the recovery programme shine through in your work too.
Peel Primary, West Lothian
We really like how this poem by a P5 pupil reminds us to think and reflect on our emotions and to open up and use emotion words in helpful ways. All 5 cogs feature in the writing so the 5 colour backdrop is very effective.
Eyemouth Primary School, Borders
“P5 used the Red, Orange and Green Cogs to help them write an imagined personal response related to their topic on natural disasters. The cogs really helped the children to fill their writing with emotional language. Knowing these terms made it so easy to talk about and having cog language on display in the classroom really helped. The children are now naturally going to the displays for ideas.” Hilary Burns, Class Teacher
Port Charlotte Primary School, Isle of Islay
“Our Pre-5 Unit at Port Charlotte Primary have been working on learning emotion words and their different facial expressions and matching behaviours. The children have been having lots of fun acting out and talking about different emotions.”
Bridgend Primary School, West Lothian
“One of the P4 children at Bridgend Primary wrote this fantastic acrostic poem to show her understanding of the Emotion Works Recovery Programme.” Stacey Lauder, P4 Teacher
I have honestly had one of the best weeks I’ve ever had since starting Emotion Works while judging this work and creating this web page. I’m so proud of where Emotion Works is right now. I love the sharing and supporting that has happened across the #EWcommunity during the Recovery Programme, and I’m so thankful to our longer-standing practitioners and schools for encouraging and inspiring our new recruits.
I’m also delighted and relieved that we’ve proven that Emotion Works staff training and the roll-out of the programme can now be delivered remotely and online. Teachers and school staff – you’ve been awesome!! I know it’s been a challenging time for you all and I really hope the Recovery Programme has offered you a helpful and friendly hand during these past months.
Please share this page with your pupils, their families and your school communities to help us all celebrate the amazing work we’ve all achieved.